There is no such thing as an easy challenge. It takes bravery, strength, skill, and heart to rescue a beautiful princess. Princes from across the world have done it all for this one moment. They’ve overcome the worst of this dream-like world. They suffered through the heat of the hot chocolate river, the wrath of the buzzing blue bumble bees, and the daunting wall of thorny rainbow roses, all for the chance to marry this darling princess.

Princess Liliana is the most beautiful girl in the world. Her cuteness unmatched proven by her bright eyes, her adorable freckles, and her most charming laugh. Anyone would be lucky to marry such a person.

But to her suitor’s dismay, this lady has yet to choose her knight. She’s infamous for her pickiness. To her, there was always something wrong with the one in shining armor. 

“My darling princess, I’ve come to rescue you from this dreadful tower!” said the handsome prince, who had just scaled the tall, stone tower. He held a beautiful bouquet of red camellias on his left and a small present on his right. 

Princess Lily looked at him in shock, setting down the bowl of cake mix on the counter. She ran to the prince who stood by the window. “My prince! At last, you have come!” 

She looked down at the gifts in the prince’s hands, putting her hands on her chest as she smiled gleefully. “Is this… for me?”

The handsome prince smirked with pride, truly believing that he had won her heart. “Indeed. These camellias represent my love for you. My heart, it’s on fire, full of passion to always be by your side.”

He turned to the gift on his right, getting down on one knee. “I understand you have a love for eggs, is that right, princess?”

The princess looked at him in disbelief. “Yes…” she said in a whisper.

“Then please…” He began, opening the present now in between them. “Have these delicious scrambled eggs!”

Inside were three delicious golden eggs. It was skillfully made, perhaps by a world-class chef. The tasty smell quickly filled the room. Tiny leaves and flower petals complemented the already perfect dish. These eggs were beautiful, and would undoubtedly taste wonderful.

Anyone would’ve loved such a heavenly gift. Anyone except…

“You bastard!” Princess Lily shouted, slapping the present away. “How dare you mutilate these pure, innocent eggs? You… you vile, disgusting creature! You are not even worthy of a prince in my eyes, much less my husband. Get out!”

Within seconds, Princess Lily pushed the wicked prince back and out of the tower. He fell with a shout and unfortunately landed unscathed in a pond of water lilies and frogs. Each one croaked loudly at him as if they were mocking him for his failure.  

“These princes… They’re all the same! Just a bunch of spoiled, arrogant cowards with no class.”

Princess Lily scoffed at the prince, baffled by his outrageous attempt. At least now she was alone, free to do whatever she pleased.

She returned to the bowl of cake mix, mixing its contents whilst reading through an old cookbook. She had owned this book ever since she was little. making countless sweets and delicious desserts. Sometimes she would throw in a couple new ingredients just to see what would happen, though nearly all of them just ended up being some gooey monstrosity.

By now, she had made about every dish in this book. However, there was one that she’d been dying to try: Raspberry Swirl Sweet Rolls. 

She could feel her mouth water as she flipped the page. Oh how badly she wanted to try it. It shouldn’t have been an issue. She has all the ingredients except the main one itself, raspberries.

Ever since she had been trapped in this vile (she found it comforting) tower, she’d been stripped of any chance of tasting her beloved fruit. If only the princes would present her with a glorious basket of raspberries rather than some fiendish dead eggs. It broke her heart.

She was so close, yet so, so far.

“Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho!” some voices chanted. It came from out the window again.

Princess Lily stared in shock, noticing something latching onto the windowsill. She stepped closer, taking a closer look. It was licorice. She looked down to see three small children climbing up the tower with the licorice rope.

Their skin looked sweet and chewy, each child with a different bright color skin. One was red, another was green, and finally yellow. 

“Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Heave, ho!”

Princess Lily gasped, backing away as one by one, they climbed into her tower. As they entered, they stood in a V-shaped formation, the red kid in the middle, green on the left, and yellow on the right. They each struck a flamboyant pose.

“Greetings my fair maiden princess!” The red child said, bowing on one knee. “We, the Sour Patch Kids, have come a long way to rescue you!”

Princess Lily, almost speechless, said “Are you… my prince..s?”

The children looked at one another, unsure. “I mean, yeah. I guess we’re your princes,” said the green child.

Princess Lily only looked at each of them suspiciously, before walking away from the group. “I’m going to bed.” 

Maybe she was dreaming? Or perhaps she was so desperate for those raspberries that she finally began hallucinating.

“Wait!” The red kid called out. “Please, let us rescue you from this tower”

“We swear, we will take care of you. We will give you anything your heart desires, princess!”

Princess Lily paused, turning back at them with a smirk. “Will you get me some raspberries?”

The children were stunned. They expected her to ask for something fancy or expensive, something a legendary princess like her would typically enjoy. But no, instead she simply asked for some measly berries.

“Um, yes. I suppose we could get you some raspberries,” said the yellow child.

Princess Lily jumped with glee, allowing herself a silent victory because at long last, she could finally make those delicious Sweet Rolls.

“But!” began the red child, “These berries, they can only be found in the Fruity Kingdom. In order to acquire your gift, you must come with us on this journey!” He spoke with such confidence.

Nevermind. The princess eyed them suspiciously once more. “Why do I have to come with you? You can go by yourselves then come back to give them to me.”

“Well um…” The children looked among themselves, quiet. As if they were asking each other what to say in silence.

Princess Lily crossed her arms at the group, waiting for an answer. 

Reluctantly, the green child stepped forward with a pout. “We’re children, can’t you see? You can’t possibly send us on a quest like this. The Fruity Kingdom is miles away!”

“Yeah. Plus, we’re delicious!” The yellow kid said. “If you don’t come, we might… we might get eaten!”

“Come with us!”

“Join us on this quest, fair maiden!”

All of the children chanted along, begging for her to come with them. “Come with us! Let’s go together! Join us, princess! Come!”

Eventually, Princess Lily caved. She groaned before nodding her head, finally agreeing to go with them and leave her comfy tower. “Fine, I’ll come with you, but only for my beloved raspberries!”

The children applauded each other in celebration, too caught up to notice the princess returned to her kitchen. The princess hummed, looking around until her eyes caught the cookbook still sitting on the counter. She immediately dashed for the book, carrying it in her arms. It’s always been special to her. Maybe it’s because she’s had it for so long, but she just feels as though she couldn’t go anywhere without it.

With a smile, she walked back to the group of children, ready for a new adventure.

“Let’s go!”