Research Question: 

What is the effect of light pollution based on the Bortle Scale on the total bird population in each  U.S state in 2023? 

Background Information

In this investigation, I will be exploring if the measured amount of light pollution in each  state has an effect on the population of birds that state due to the effects of light pollution. In this  investigation, my manipulated variable is the measured amount of light pollution based on the  Bortle Scale in each state, and my responding variable is the total bird population of each state.  My investigation relates to the IB Biology curriculum ecology because it explores an organisms’  relationship with their environment, community, and ecosystem. I am interested in exploring this  topic because I encountered many birds that died from colliding with windows within my school  campus. Upon further research, I learned that this was one of the many effects that light pollution  had on birds. I was also interested in exploring this topic after I learned about light pollution for  an eight-grade science project, and I think that the concept of light pollution is fascinating in how  it can affect the environment and different organisms. Researching this topic helps me  understand the effects of light pollution on organisms, specifically birds, and spread awareness  on the dangers of light pollution on the bird population in the United States.  

According to a article entitled “Green Light for Nocturnally Migrating Birds,”  birds rely on visual cues and a magnetic compass during migration. Artificial lights can interfere  with the magnetic compass in which birds rely on to determine their migration patterns. Also,  birds are assumed to be reliant on light to help follow their migration patterns (Lacy). The presence of artificial light can cause birds to be misguided in their migration patterns and collide  with buildings. It can also lead them to the wrong direction and elongate their travel, causing  exhaustion and increasing the fatality rates of birds. Also, light pollution is caused by the excess  brightening of the night sky using artificial lights which affects the natural cycle (Hurley). Some  examples of light pollution causing a disruption to nature is by blocking the visibility of stars in  the sky as well as harming animals by misguiding their migration route and causing them to die  due to colliding with buildings (Hurley).Therefore, calculating the correlation between light  pollution levels of each state and the bird population levels of each state can prove how light  pollution affects bird population and how reducing the use of artificial light can preserve the bird  populations.  

The Smithsonian magazine conducted a similar investigation by collecting as many bird  species as they could that died due to collision with buildings during the migration season. At  5:30 in the morning, volunteers would go outside during migration season and look for any birds  that may have collided with buildings in D.C. Then, they would collect the dead birds and donate them to museums to raise awareness while also trying to save birds that survived the collisions.  In total, they collected just under 600,000 bird species and estimated that around 300 million to 1  billion birds were killed due to light pollution and collision with glass buildings. Furthermore,  the researchers are also a part of the “Lights Out” exhibition in D.C which aims to reduce light  pollution and help combat the mortality rate of birds due to them colliding with buildings from  light pollution (Saaty). 


The manipulated variable of this experiment is the light pollution of each state based on  the Bortle Scale. Light pollution can be measured using the Bortle Scale, which according to the website, the Bortle Scale “use the visibility of the Milky Way and other  astronomical objects to assess how dark the sky is and give it a rating between 1 and 9 on the  scale…” (Hurley). Using the website, I determined the light pollution level  of each state based on the Bortle Scale. The Bortle Scale consists of 9 levels, where a level 1 is  little to no light pollution and a level 9 is extreme light pollution. The manipulated variable was manipulated based on the different U.S states that are on different levels of the Bortle Scale. The  data can be uncertain as the light pollution level in each state changed since the data was  collected.  

In this experiment, the responding variable is the bird population in each U.S state. I  obtained the bird population of each state from the website, where they track the  number of species found in each state using sight and sound to locate a bird at a fixed position. It  also tracks the total bird population in each state. One uncertainty is that the data is constantly  altered on the website due to it being updated frequently. In order to avoid inconsistencies in my  data, I used the data chart I found on September 24, 2023, as the official bird population of each  state for this exploration. I ensured that enough data was collected as data was collected from all  50 states in the U.S rather than only collecting the light pollution and bird population data from  only one state. This also ensured that there is more variation in the data sets so that the investigation is more accurate and not solely based on one piece of data.  

The controlled variable is the time period in which the two data sets was collected and the  country that the data sets are collected from. I ensured that the manipulated data (the amount of  light pollution in each state) was recorded in 2023 as well as the responding data (the bird  population in each state) was also recorded in 2023. I also found the light pollution levels and  bird populations solely from states in the U.S and not from other countries. It is important to have controlled variables to confirm that the manipulated variable has a direct effect on the  responding variable and was not caused by other factors that could effect the responding  variable. 


My hypothesis is that if the light pollution level of each state is low on the Bortle Scale,  then the bird population of that state will be higher because light pollution causes the fatality rate  of birds to increase as it alters the migration patterns of birds.  

– Null Hypothesis: the bird population in each state is not affected by their light intensity  level based on the Bortle Scale.  

– Alternative Hypothesis: the bird population in each state is affected by their light  intensity level based on the Bortle Scale.  

Materials And Methodology 


– website 

– website 

– Excel 

– Laptop  

First, I found the data set of all the U.S states and what their light pollution levels are in 2023 based on the Bortle Scale. Then, I went to the website to determine the total number of birds in each state in 2023; the population number consists of all types of bird species. I made a  chart with one column listing all 50 states, one column listing the light pollution level of each state on the Bortle Scale, and a third column on the total bird population in each state. Then, using Excel, I found the mean number of birds in each state and the mode of the Bortle Scale  level from all the U.S states. I calculated both mean and mode because my manipulated data was  a set of discrete data and was better fit to be calculated using mode to find its central tendency,  while the responding data was a set of continuous data and its central tendency needed to be  calculated using mean. Then, I found the correlation coefficient number between the two data sets through excel to determine the strength of the relationship between the two variables. If  there is a correlation, it will be understood that bird population is affected by the amount of light  pollution in the area. Afterwards, I determined which hypotheses is true using the ANOVA  calculation method which helped me determine the p-value and form a conclusion. Because my  manipulated dataset is discrete and my responding dataset is continuous, I chose ANOVA as my  method of calculation because it finds the correlation between a set of discrete and continuous  data. 

Safety, Ethics, and Environmental Impact 

It is important to be aware of the safety and environmental impact that comes from this  investigation. When conducting this experiment, it is necessary to acknowledge that an increase  in light pollution could harm the lives of migratory birds and other animals. Increasing the  presence of light pollution in an area that is prone to migrating animals can cause them to lose  their navigation and travel away from their intended migration path. Therefore, while conducting  my investigation, no birds were harmed as I only collected recorded data of light pollution and  the bird populations of each state rather than conducting my own experiment and exposing birds  to more harmful environments. 


Descriptive statistics: calculations of mean and mode 

I used Excel to calculate the mean and mode of the data set and find the central tendencies. This table can be found in the appendix as “table 1.” The mean number of birds in each state was  1,090,326 birds. The mode level of light pollution on the Bortle Scale in each state was a level 2. 

Correlation Coefficient:  

After calculating the correlation coefficient through Excel, the value was -0.14791, which  indicates that there is a negative correlation between the two values. However, the value is  between 1 and -1 which indicates that the significance between the two variables is not strong. Refer to figure 2 in the appendix. 

Inferential Statistic: ANOVA 

Based on the ANOVA calculations, the p-value was 2.84 x 10-11, which is less than the  significance level of 0.05. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected, proving that there is a significance between the two variables. This is shown in figure 3 in the appendix.  


I used a scatter plot to represent the relationship between light pollution levels based on the  Bortle Scale and the Bird population of each state. Also, scatter plots best represent ANOVA  calculations and the relationship between the two data sets. 

Figure 4: Graph of the data set 

Relationship Between Light Pollution Levels and Bird Population From Each U.S States

Total Bird Population in Each StateLight Pollution Level on the Bortle Scale (1-9)

0 1 2 3 4 5 

The graph above represents the relationship between the light pollution level of each U.S state  and their total bird population. The x-axis represents the light pollution level of each state based  on the Bortle Scale, and the y-axis represents the total bird population of each state. Each plot  represents a U.S state. The descending trendline suggests that as the light pollution level on the  Bortle Scale increases, the total bird population number decreases. The two variables have a  slight negative correlation.  

Analysis and Conclusion 

Based on my hypothesis, if the light pollution level of each state is low on the Bortle  Scale, then the bird population of that state will be higher because light pollution causes the  fatality rate of birds to increase as it alters the migration patterns of birds. I calculated my data  using the ANOVA correlation calculation method in which I found the p-value between the two  variables to determine if there is a correlation between the light pollution level of each state and their total bird population. I compared the p-value number to the significance level of 0.05.  Based on the significance level and my p-value, I reject the null hypothesis because the p-value  of the data table is 2.84 x 10-11, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, the light pollution level of  each state based on the Bortle Scale does have an effect on the total bird population of each state.  Overall, the alternate hypothesis is favored in this exploration. 

As I was analyzing the data points on my data table, I noticed that California was the  state with the highest bird population of 5,243,366 birds, and the state’s light pollution on the  Bortle Scale was a 1; supporting the conclusion that was made by the ANOVA calculations.  Similarly, Rhode Island was at a level 4 of light pollution and only had 189,408 birds, also  supporting my results. However, the data obtained by some states contrasted my hypothesis and  was an outlier to the rest of my data. For example, New Jersey had 1,351,625 birds which is a  significant number in comparison to the total bird populations of the other states, however, New  Jersey is at a level 4.5 on the Bortle Scale, showing it to be an outlier as it contradicts the  hypothesis.  

The controlled variables, the year that the data was found, helped portray the relationship  between bird populations and the light pollution levels in each state more accurately. Finding the  two sets of data from the same year showed how the different light pollution levels in each state had an effect on the bird population of each state in 2023; this controlled variable helped  strengthen the investigation. The bird population numbers change almost daily, so it was  important to find both data sets from the same year to see how light pollution directly affects the  bird population when they exist simultaneously. Another strength to the investigation was that  enough data points were collected to draw a confident conclusion. However, a weakness to the  investigation was that the bird population data was too general and could have mislead the results of the experiment. Using the total bird population in each state instead of focusing on a  specific migratory bird species does not accurately portray how light pollution affects the bird population, especially during migration.  


One limitation was that the date in which the data of the Bortle Scale level for each U.S  state was taken was not stated on the website, but only the year in which it was published was  listed. This is a limitation because the light pollution levels for some states could have been  different during the time the total bird population data for each state was taken. Also, seasonal  changes and different daylight times could also affect the experiment as light pollution may  increase/decrease depending on the amount of daylight present. Another limitation is that the  data set with the location of the light pollution levels are too general and does not consider which  areas are more populated with migratory birds. Hence, states with more migratory birds are more  affected compared to states that lack migratory birds and have little to no relationship with bird  migration patterns in their area. If this limitation is not considered, the conclusion to the  investigation would be misguided. 


One aspect of my research that would strengthen my exploration is to acknowledge the  different type of species that are seen in each state; this would help determine which states have  more migratory bird species than other states. The presence of more migratory birds in a state  may alter the conclusion, which simply considered the total number of birds in each state and  their light pollution levels. Additionally, understanding the natural migration of birds in the  United States could also strengthen the conclusions made in this exploration because it can show how the amount of artificial light in the migration pathway of birds have a greater impact in the  decrease of bird population, further solidifying the conclusion. In future research, I would collect  more specific data points to ensure higher accuracy within my investigation. I would specify the  locations of light pollution to different major cities and collect the total bird population of a  specific migratory species.  


Table 1: Number of birds in each U.S. state and their brightness level on the Bortle Scale.

State Light Pollution Level on  Bortle Scale (1-9)Number of Birds
Alabama 378,140
Alaska 470,619
Arizona 1,760,542
Arkansas 285,275
California 5,243,366
Colorado 1,734,710
Connecticut 838,061
Delaware 285,079
Florida 2,756,473
Georgia 978,105
Hawaii 243,570
Idaho 450,032
Illinois 1,685,789
Indiana 795,320
Iowa 290,954
Kansas 459,392
Kentucky 334,746
Louisiana 400,253
Maine 921,817
Maryland 1,466,132
Massachusetts 1,921,825
Michigan 1,892,208
Minnesota 1,187,732
Mississippi 193,272
Missouri 679,095
Montana 499,363
Nebraska 267,565
Nevada 256,105
New Hampshire 472,136
New Jersey 4.5 1,351,625
New Mexico 677,020
New York 3,424,049
North Carolina 1,313,228
North Dakota 170,117
Ohio 1,892,792
Oklahoma 277,317
Oregon 1,823,889
Pennsylvania 2,473,639


Rhode Island 189,408
South Carolina 662,926
South Dakota 139,491
Tennessee 740,098
Texas 3,241,817
Utah 574,611
Vermont 670,569
Virginia 1,620,732
Washington 1,983,251
West Virginia 235,038
Wisconsin 1,673,070
Wyoming 233,916

Figure 1: Mean and mode calculations on Excel 

Figure 2: Correlation coefficient calculation on Excel

Figure 3: ANOVA calculation on Excel 

Figure 5: Description of the different Bortle Scale levels Figure 6: Map of Light Pollution in the U.S Published on June 10, 2023

Works Cited 

“Any comments on Astron. Picture on Bortle scale? – Light Pollution.” Cloudy Nights, 9 April 2020,  Accessed 29 January 2024. 

Bortle, John E. “Light Pollution and Astronomy: How Dark Are Your Night Skies?” Sky & Telescope,  18 July 2006, bortle-dark-sky-scale/. Accessed 19 December 2023. Accessed 19 December  2023. 

Hurley, Steve. “Dark Sky Places – Explaining Science.” Explaining Science, 3 May 2020, Accessed 19 December 2023. Kuthunur, Sharmila. “Where are the darkest skies in the US, and how to find them?” Love the Night Sky, Accessed 19 December 2023. 

Lacy, Steve. “.” . – YouTube, 2 October 2022, Accessed 19  December 2023. 

“The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness.” Cooperative Institute for Research in  Environmental Sciences, 10 June 2023, Accessed 29 January  2024. 

Saaty, Emma. “Turning Off Your Lights Could Save Millions of Birds Each Year from Deadly Building  Collisions.” Smithsonian Magazine, 19 April 2023, museum-of-natural-history/2023/04/19/turning-off-your-lights-could-save-millions-of-birds each-year-from-deadly-building-collisions/. Accessed 19 December 2023.