I go to Cancun Mexico and overcome my fear of deep water, and this is what happens:

So, there are two families, and one was my family. There were four of us, and there was the other family there were four of them as well, and the parents both plan to go to Cancun, Mexico for Christmas break; we stay there for a week.

We go to the airport at 6:00, and we went on a plane to go to New York because there was not a plane to go straight to Cancun, so after we make it to New York we go on another plane to Cancun.

We arrive at 12:00, and, during the time there, It was so hot at the airport in Cancun the sun was screaming as if it was in one of those horror movies. I took my hoodie off so quickly dying of the heat as if I was stuck in the desert with no water but loving it like I was in a romance with it at the same time.

So, when we’re done doing the boring things like filling out papers, we are in our hotel room, and it was nice and pretty big. There were two beds and a big bathroom with a big shower in it, but I was so excited to go to the pool, and we go to the pool, and I had so much fun, and the good thing about it was when my fear is water being really deep, but it was only four feet, so I loved it.

A couple of days go by, and on Wednesday we go to a mall and all buy matching shirts. It was a black shirt that said Cancun, Mexico, and of the words of Cancun, Mexico, there was color all over it and palm trees in the words. I ask why we all are getting matching shirts. It was because we all are going to explore a palace called Tampa, and I was excited because I love exploring different places.

So, Thursday hits, and we woke up really early to get in a taxi van, and I see this man. I didn’t know that he was our tour guide. He had curly hair, he was taller than a statue, and he had a bag with some water in it, so I ask my step-cousin and she laughs and said that’s our tour guide and asked how didn’t I know, but that’s because I didn’t know we would get a tour guide.

So, it took two hours to get there, and when we get there, our tour guide gave us a water bottle because it was 90+ degrees outside, and he recommends to buy a hat to protect us from the sun, but I didn’t need one. I was in marching band, and I deal with hot weather for hours, so I was fine. As we walk through the town of Tampa, I was taking pictures of everything and loved it so much. The stores were so cool. There was a man holding a snake, and we learned about the origin of Tampa.

After we were done walking In the town, we go back in the van and go to a place that’s part of the woods where you can see animals in the wild and swim in a cave pool and eat food there. While we were driving there, I was thinking about the cave and was saying in my head it’s not going to be deep mostly likely only five feet at most six feet.

When we arrived there, we went on a hike and saw the different types of animals. I saw this big spider with a red mark on it. I was terrified, and we learned that the cave’s water was so clean, you can see white because of how clean it was.

After that, we get changed into our swimsuits, and then we eat before we get in the cave pool. The food was so good; we ate tacos, quesadilla, white rice, and beans. After eating, the tour guide tells us to put clean water on ourselves, and there were these showers, and the water was so cold, it felt like I was in the antarctic, and I hated it, but it was funny to hear my family screaming about how cold it was.

After the cold shower water, they make us wear lifejackets, and, at first, I was so confused because I thought the water will only be five or six feet deep, but when we get down there to the cave pool, our tour guide said that the water is 12 feet!

I was so terrified at that moment, it felt like I was in dark places alone as I was looking down at the water too scared to go in. Everyone was jumping in. You hear “splash, splash,” and it echoes through the cave, but I just went down the stairs to go in the water.

When I went down the stairs, I was so scared, but I was floating because of the lifejacket, and I was just standing there, but then they said we have to swim to another spot to learn about the cave. I was so scared, but my stepdad was right next to me, so I was safe, and we learned about how old it was: 3,000 years old. There was a bat in the cave, but it didn’t harm us. It was just flying like it has seen humans go in the cave water before.

When I was in the water for a long time, I wasn’t scared anymore, and the water felt great. It felt like you are in a cloud, and I jumped in the water, but only one time because I’m not much of a jumper. When we got out of the water, I was a little upset because I loved the water so much, but we were going back to the hotel, so I was happy.

My mom was so proud of me for overcoming my fear of deep water, she bought me ice cream, and Sunday was our last day in Cancun, Mexico, and we took only one plane, and it was only a 1-hour flight.

But now when I’m in a pool and there is a more deep spot, I might go to the deep spot now because I’m not scared anymore, and when you are in deep water, it feels like your floating on a cloud. Well, I mean, you kind of are, and it feels like your body is weightless less like a balloon.

But that’s how I overcame my fear. I realized that overcoming my fear really helped me learn that deep water is not that scary. It’s actually really fun.

When you see something that you are terrified of, you should overcome that fear. You will learn that it’s not that bad.